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    22 - Apr - 2022 By Gillco International School

    Inter-house Poetry Recitation Competition

    “Poetry is simply the most beautiful, impressive, and widely effective mode of saying things.”
    Matthew Arnold An Inter-house Poetry Recitation Competition was organized on 22nd April 2022 at Gillco International School, Mohali.
    The students of classes I to V enthusiastically participated in the competition as they got an opportunity to exhibit their talent and confidence. The competition inspired the young poets to come forward and recite in front of their peer group. The students came up with different poems and enjoyed the perfection of expression, confidence, emotions, rhythm, fluency and music of words. The participants from all the respective four houses – Polaris, Orion, Thalia and Urania participated in the competition.
    Students were judged on the parameters like Confidence, Voice Modulation, Pronunciation, Fluency and Body Language. It was a splendid opportunity for them to gain confidence through stage exposure.